Whats the Average Airsoft Pistol Fpa

Whats the Average Airsoft Pistol Fpa

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There's what we call the FPS (stands for feet per second). And then, at that place's such a affair called FPS caps.

It's the limit to the FPS allowed for the players' airsoft guns. And these FPS limits are different for each blazon of airsoft field.

Nosotros propose…

… that you get the highest FPS that you can. That ways the higher cease of the limit and the highest that your called type of airsoft gun offers.

That said – there's still a lot to consider about airsoft FPS.

Nosotros can tell y'all what a adept airsoft FPS is. You volition know What Is A Good FPS For Airsoft. Generally, information technology'due south effectually 350 FPS to 400 FPS.

But the best FPS for you lot…

… is a different story. Information technology all depends on the aspect of the game or the airsoft gun that yous prioritize. So in this article, nosotros decided it would be helpful to lay it all out for you in full item.

We're going to talk about:

  • The best FPS for each airsoft field type;
  • How FPS affects the aspects of the gun's operation;
  • The pros and cons of high FPS;
  • The limit to how fast your gun should fire to remain safe from injuries; and
  • Lots more!

So let'south become in…

… and proceed scrolling!

Related: Gas Blowback Airsoft Pistol


In that location are two different types of airsoft fields requiring different player skill sets and airsoft gun specs. That includes, of course, the FPS limit for each field.

Adhering to the airsoft community guidelines has very desperate effects on your game – and it might fifty-fifty save lives.


Here we'd like to explain what and why you can simply get then far in terms of FPS on each field.


If y'all merely accept not-homo targets, then become as loftier on FPS as you like. Especially when you're hunting because you'll demand the maximum accuracy you can get.


If you have a friendly game with human being opponents, so you might want a low FPS gun. Just to be safe.

Or better yet, just stick to the FPS caps.


Outdoor fields limit the guns from 450 to 550 FPS. Information technology'due south higher than the indoors because players have to shoot their opponents from afar.

As you'll later learn – FPS affects the airsoft gun'due south effective range.

But some places even lower down the maximum to 400 FPS. In which case, you'll take to stick with that, or else you won't exist playing at all.

It might exist a problem for some.

An airsoft actor ordinarily takes a bolt activeness sniper rifle as their chief weapon. That gun type can go equally loftier as 700 FPS.

If you can't negotiate with the local rules, you'll have to observe yourself another gun.

What Is A  Good FPS For Airsoft
  • Indoors

Indoor fields accept lower FPS requirements than the outdoors. That'southward because the risks of being injured are college within close quarters.


Muzzle velocity of 350 FPS is already acceptable. It'southward the average FPS that nearly players prefer when playing in close-quarter combat.

You lot'll discover this usually with airsoft pistols or revolvers. However, you lot'll usually simply utilise them as fill-in firearms for your sniper rifle.

But at that place'due south some other type of airsoft field to play in.

It'due south called 'yours.'

In that location are airsoft enthusiasts that organize their own game. You can do this either in an indoor or an outdoor field.

In this example, again, it's best to stick to the local field rules.

The lines are there for the all-time reasons, anyhow. But if you're going to tweak a few things, all players should agree, and all the safety precautions should be done.


FPS is only 1 of the specs that need considering in choosing airsoft guns.

When ownership your airsoft weapon…

… you'll exist asked most the material you prefer, the compression, barrel length, hop up, etc.

All of those factors affect power, range, and accuracy. And those iii, in plough, touch your performance.

For this particular article, we'll tackle what FPS tin practise to those iii aspects.


For most beginners, understanding power and FPS is like figuring out the chicken and egg situation.

Is information technology power that affects speed? Or is it speed that affects power?

Let's define both of them so.

FPS ways the velocity – or how fast – the BB travels as it leaves the airsoft gun's barrel. Since airsoft guns are replicas, FPS is measured the same as a existent firearm'south muzzle velocity.

A different metric system uses MPS or meters per second.

On the other hand…

Power is the measure of how much kinetic energy the BB has as it leaves the barrel. It's the maximum kinetic energy released when the BB hits the target.

In the simplest terms…

The faster the BB, the harder it hits.

Every bit the ammo travels, it loses the energy that it originally had. So if it travels slower, it loses more energy.

Merely have note of this:

A actually powerful shot might be an advantage in real-life combat – merely not in airsoft.

We'll explicate this farther in a bit…


With the range of the airsoft gun…

FPS is not the heaviest gene. Merely if you couple it with a skilful hop-up machinery and the right BB weight for it – they all piece of work wonders to the range.

And then, higher FPS can assistance the BB fly further away without losing its ability.

It means that your ammo won't just accomplish the farthest point. Instead, information technology would travel a long way – straight and powerfully – before gravity pulls information technology back down in a projectile motility.


FPS has a bigger contribution to accuracy than the other 2 aspects – especially when coupled with the weight of the airsoft Bbs.

There are pros and cons in using either lighter or heavier BBs. Virtually airsoft players prefer the heavy ones, only yous'll have to try it out with your hop-up arrangement first.

That's a story for another day.

For at present…

The most important affair to know is that heavier BBs are more wind-resistant. In other words, they're generally more stable in the air. So you won't necessarily need higher FPS guns for them.

On the other paw, a high FPS volition improve your accuracy when yous're using lighter BBs.

How'southward that?

They're less resistant to air current. And so when the BB travels fast, there's less chance for the wind to affect its trajectory.

Now, imagine if you have a wind-resistant BB traveling at high FPS. You'll maximize the accuracy at which yous can shoot your gun.

To get a better grip on this, you tin read more about information technology in this article

What Is A  Good FPS For Airsoft

IS A College FPS Always BETTER?

A higher FPS gun might sound more than appealing – especially after knowing that velocity is proportional to ability, range, and speed.


Are all of those pure advantages when in the field?

The best reply for this question is – not ever.

If your priority is range or accuracy, high-velocity airsoft guns will requite you an advantage. If yous're on a hunting trip, you might want to become every bit high as you can.

But when playing airsoft…

Safety – yours and your opponent's – is the outset matter to consider. This game is not known for zero risks.

Injuring people is not one of the game's goals, so you accept to note the right airsoft FPS to prevent that.


How difficult can a BB hit?

The reply is based on the power range usually produced past an airsoft gun of a certain FPS. We're not going to calculate kinetic energy for you in this article. Instead, we'll base  It varies widely, particularly because the airsoft gun type.


A player pairs a BB gun with 0.25-grand BB. Fired at 400 to 500 FPS at close range, it's plenty to hurt similar a bee sting if the BB hits y'all at the sleeve.

Only it could give yous much hurting on blank skin.

Imagine what it tin do to your face at close distances.

That's why…

Wearing protective gear is of utmost importance. Especially when playing indoor airsoft, where you lot're going to fire at each other from a brusk distance.

Besides, eye protection and the correct compatible will cause a large difference in your confidence. And that will also touch on your performance.

Just information technology's not only indoors.

Even in the outdoor airsoft field, you too take to notation the minimum engagement distance for the FPS of your airsoft gun.


Yous might've heard of velocity reducers and plan to just use them instead of ownership a make new gun with lower FPS.

That's fine – but it's banned in some airsoft fields because it tends to fail. If you use it for an extended period, you might detect yourself with a weaker jump. That's when it'll start to malfunction.

Conclusion: What Is A Expert FPS For Airsoft

What Is A  Good FPS For Airsoft

In a nutshell…

The average FPS values that can meliorate range and accuracy – while at the same fourth dimension don't compromise safety – are 350 FPS indoors and 400 FPS outdoors.

Of form, many airsoft guns get way college than that. Sniper rifles, to be specific. Only more FPS doesn't always mean more advantage.

You don't have to learn that the hard fashion, do you?


Comrade, this is where today'south boxing ends.

Your airsoft adventure yet awaits you out in that location!

Related: Gas Blowback Airsoft Pistol

Whats the Average Airsoft Pistol Fpa

Posted by: dudleysoored1975.blogspot.com

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